If you or someone you love is over the age of 74, there is enough going on to keep you all very busy. New technology is rolling out and being tried. New clinical trials are occurring frequently to deal with a variety of serious diseases. Governments the world over are trying to find new wasy of accommodating the growing number of seniors.
Seniors (and their caretakers) who are pragmatic, pay attention to details and who understand that in times of great change there are winners and losers, will make sure their needs are met.
Seniors (and their caretakers) who believe the system will come to them in an inclusive movement to help them are liable to be disappointed--and disadvantaged. That strategy was probably correct--and more moral--during the past 50 years. But now it is time to claim what is yours by right.
In most cases, this will not mean you are taking something away from another deserving senior. It will mean you are getting what otherwise will not be used at all.
This difference in attitude may be more important that any of the technology toys I keep throwing in front of you. So get out there and get what you need.