My day normally starts with a grand tour of liberal blogs (I balance them with a few conservatives, like Tim Worstall). I hit Kevin Drum, Brad DeLong, Atrios, Crooked Timber, Tapped, Matt Yglesias and Mark Kleiman. That normally gets me through my cup of coffee and out of my fog.
For months now, I could not get through the Tour without seeing two or three posts about climate change that just set my teeth on edge. These guys (why are they all guys?) write intelligently and compellingly on a series of subjects (Hey, I'm a Democrat for a reason, right?), but when it comes to climate change it seems like they all take a stupid pill.
But for the past 4 days, there's been nothing. And I'm wondering why? Did John Holdren's semi-insane announcement about re-polluting the atmosphere to stop global warming put everyone off? Was James Hansen's protest in England too ridiculous to put up with? Was there some other big news item that distracted them? It doesn't seem so. Why is all quiet on the Western Front?
Or maybe they just discovered that Earth has been warmer than it is today for 3 million out of the past 6 million years?